Author Archives: Heartland Banks Blogger

Summertime Home Improvement Ideas

Get your home improvements done before the summer season is over!

Get your home improvements done before the summer season is over!

Summer brings longer weekends and time away from work. Maybe you are lucky enough to go on a vacation, or you’re just spending time at home. Whatever the case, we have a few ideas for summertime home improvement for your days off. Today’s Heartland Bank blog has four ideas for summertime home improvement to add to the to-do list.

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Tips for an Easier Financial Life during Simplify your Life Week

Simplify your finances with these tips.

Simplify your finances with these tips.

You’ve always wanted to simplify your finances. Whether that is through simplifying your investments or creating an emergency fund, now is the time to finally do so. The first week of August is Simplify your Life week and Heartland Bank is bringing you tips for simplifying your financial life.

  • Buy and hold- the market is a fickle thing, so quit trying to “time” the markets. It only causes additional stress.
  • Make a list of all your possessions- okay, so making the list may not be simple, but the purpose is simple. You can see which of the things you own are unnecessary and it will give a much needed wake up call to consume, spend and own less. Then…
  • Sell half of your list in a month- have a garage sale, put your stuff up on eBay, list it on Craigslist. You’ll make some cash, reduce storage costs and learn what you really need to live well.
  • Create and emergency fund- this takes discipline for many people, but there may come a time where you’ll be thankful you have it. Three to six months of living expenses should give you peace of mind.
  • Simplify your investments- “diversified” and “simple” aren’t mutually exclusive. You should be able to describe what you’re investing in and how it works.
  • Whatever it is you do well, do more of it- what gives the most value to your employer? Find out and replicate it as much as possible. No matter where you’re at in life, find out what extra value you offer and focus on that. You can’t be everything to everyone.

How can you implement these tips into your life this week? Share with us!

Heartland Bank is here for your wealth management, savings and agricultural banking needs.

Financial Tips for 20 Somethings

Develop good banking habits early on in life with these helpful tips.

Develop good banking habits early on in life with these helpful tips.


Living through your 20s can be a day-to-day financial struggle. While it seems difficult to think about your financial future while you’re dealing with your financial present, Heartland Bank is bringing you financial tips for your 20s and beyond. Keep these tips in mind while you venture through the next couple years. Continue reading

Traveling Increases your Risk for Identity Theft

Use these tips to protect yourself from identity theft while on vacation.

Use these tips to protect yourself from identity theft while on vacation.


Traveling comes with many adventures including exploring different cultures, exploring new food and relaxing for a few days. Traveling also brings a heightened risk for identity theft, so Heartland Bank is bringing you tips for decreasing your risk for identity theft while traveling. Continue reading

Accomplishing Your Financial Goals

Accomplishing your financial goals all starts with creating a monthly budget and sticking to it.

Accomplishing your financial goals all starts with creating a monthly budget and sticking to it.


Whether your financial goals are focused on saving for retirement, paying off student loans or having enough money to eat dinner next week, creating a monthly budget is the first step to financial success. Continue reading

Curbing Summer Spending

Don't let summer spending hinder your family's fun this season.

Don’t let summer spending hinder your family’s fun this season.


Summer in Central Iowa is great, isn’t it? The weather is warm, the days are long and the kids are out of school, meaning more family time. However, all these great things about summer can actually work against your wallet.

As we stay active for longer during the day or as the kids need more things to do, our checking accounts can take a hit. But how do we reduce the urge to spend when the season and our kids want us to spend more?

Try these five tips to keep your spending down and savings and fun up this summer.

  1. Get in the right mindset– Anna Newell Jones, author of the “And Then We Saved” blog, paid off $23,600 in debt in 15 months. How? One of her largest motivators was finding fulfillment without spending money. She wrote down three things she was thankful for every day as a way to teach herself to be content and to stop searching for “more” and “better.”  Take a page out of Anna’s book and try to focus on the great things you already have.
  2. Try out “no-spends”- build up your savings account by trying out a days, weeks, or, if you can, months of no spending. While you may not hit your goal of spending nothing, focusing on spending less will help.
  3. Clear out your mind and your home- kick off your savings quest with a spring cleaning session, recommends financial writer Kali Hawlk. Not only will this help you in selling things you need and finding things you forgot you had, but it will also help you re-tune your wants.
  4. Do more of your own cooking- it’s so easy to “grab a quick bite to eat” somewhere or to take the kids out for dessert on long summer evenings. Instead, produce more meals at home. They are generally healthier, in smaller portions and more satisfying than $40 spent at a restaurant that can be too cold or too loud.
  5. Look for budget-friendly activities- church camps and activities put on by community organizations are often low in cost, so be on the watch for those. There are also plenty of festivals, outdoor parties and other events during the summer that may cost little or nothing for an evening of family fun.

Not all fun things cost money. You can do your own research on the Internet or websites like Pinterest to find free or low-cost things to do this summer. If you need our help, you can always call or stop by any Heartland Bank office.

Heartland Bank, Member FDIC