Monthly Archives: September 2019

How To Set Up Your Holiday Budget


The holidays set back many Americans into debt every year. Last year, the average incurred per person was around $1,000. It’s never too early to start deciding what your holiday budget will be so that you aren’t fretting over overwhelming debt in the new year. If you haven’t set up a budget before, the holidays are a perfect place to start. 

1. Start with what you have. 

Every budget should begin by calculating what you have. This means having an exact tally on what income you and your household bring in each month. If your income is irregular, take the average of what you have brought in the last few months. You can’t know how much to budget for if you don’t have an idea of what you have coming in each month. 

2. Take note of every current expense. 

What are you really spending each month? Some people like to play the “ignorance is bliss” game, but it makes having a budget and comfortable savings nearly impossible. Review your bank transactions from the last few months and write down every bill you can expect to come in. What are you spending your money on? Are there areas where you can cut back? Some people don’t even realize how many subscription services they are signed up for and these monthly dues add up. Organize all of your bills either in an online spreadsheet or a piece of paper. 

3. Calculate the surplus.

Now, take that income and subtract your monthly expenses. Do the numbers surprise you? Whatever is left over doesn’t mean you can spend it all on the holidays. You need to now categorize the additional money. 

4. Allot an item to each dollar. 

Every dollar in your bank account should be accounted for – whether that be emergency savings, bills or holiday shopping. It’s up to personal preference, but you should consider what your goals are beyond the holiday season before you contribute a large amount of your savings towards the season. 

5. Plan!

Now that you know how much you are willing to save and spend on the upcoming holidays, it’s time to get specific on those purchases. If you’re buying gifts for people and this is a top priority for you, set a dollar limit on each person. If food or traveling this season is more important to you, set a limit. Being over-prepared can take the stress away from this fun time of year. Knowing your limits will help to challenge you in creativity and self-control. 

If you need help setting up a savings account, give us a call so you can be ready for this holiday season!

Cybersecurity Tips for College Students


There’s quite a learning curve in just about every way possible for college students out on their own for the first time. While a characteristic of college students is being tech-savvy, it doesn’t always mean that they know how to stay safe from cyber threats that advance and evolve every day. When they enter college, they become a part of the #2 targeted industry for cybersecurity threats. College students should take these tips with them throughout their college career.

Know that you have value. 

While we mean this in a feel-good way, what we’re really talking about here is the incorrect notion that college students think they have no monetary value worth stealing. This could not be further from the truth. Your social security number alone is incredibly valuable on the black market. When you realize that you have something valuable worth stealing, you may be more likely to use caution when online. 

Old school personal theft is a cybercrime risk.

Of course you don’t want to get your laptop stolen because of its expensive cost. Unfortunately, many thieves don’t just want the item, but want your data and personal information off of the laptop or phone. Never leave your items unattended or expect that you are ever completely in a “theft free” zone. 

Everything needs a passcode.

It may be somewhat of a hassle, but be sure all of your electronic devices have a passcode in addition to a physical lock. 

Reconsider public workstations.

Your university may offer some public workstations for your use. They are convenient but don’t always have the best cyber protection installed. If you must use a public computer, be sure you don’t save your passwords on it and log out of everything before leaving the station. Never treat it as your own computer, so be sure to remove all files of yours before leaving the device.

To Torrent or Not to Torrent? Don’t!

For those who don’t know, torrent websites are a way for users to share files and distribute data over the internet. We can say with some confidence that it’s better to stay completely away from these. 1 in 3 users are exposed to malware by utilizing torrent websites. It’s tempting to get free textbooks and movies off of these sites, but it’s not worth the risk.

Give us a call if you have questions about cybersecurity when it comes to online banking!

6 Ways to Ditch Your Bad Money Habits


Below are some tried and true ways to say goodbye to bad money habits. 

Track Your Spending

It’s easy to overspend if you don’t really know that you are overspending. If you take a close look at what’s coming out of your bank account on a recurring basis, you may be more hesitant to purchase unnecessarily. Set a date of the week to review your purchases. A good day might be a Sunday so that you can review what you spend the week prior and take note of how you can improve.

Choose Growth Over Convenience

So many of us love the convenience of fast food or the ability to have nearly anything you want delivered to your front door in a matter of days. This has the potential to create some negative financial consequences. We challenge you to choose to grow your finances over convenience. Too often, we rationalize that the convenience is worth paying a higher dollar amount, however, that is not always the case.

Stock Up On Essentials

Your house is likely always in need of toilet paper, dish soap, laundry detergent and perhaps a few other items. You know these are items that your household needs to function, so why is it that so many of us wait until we are completely out to buy more? If you keep an eye out for sales, you can stock up on these items and not be at the mercy of whatever the prices are when you need to purchase the items again. 

Be a Problem Solver

While some household fixes are too serious to try on your own, the next time something breaks, try to fix it yourself after doing your research. You’d be surprised at how much this can save you. 

You can be on your way to better habits by taking even one of these steps into your life. We’d be happy to help you set up an online banking account, so you can have even more control of your spending habits.