6 Ways to Ditch Your Bad Money Habits


Below are some tried and true ways to say goodbye to bad money habits. 

Track Your Spending

It’s easy to overspend if you don’t really know that you are overspending. If you take a close look at what’s coming out of your bank account on a recurring basis, you may be more hesitant to purchase unnecessarily. Set a date of the week to review your purchases. A good day might be a Sunday so that you can review what you spend the week prior and take note of how you can improve.

Choose Growth Over Convenience

So many of us love the convenience of fast food or the ability to have nearly anything you want delivered to your front door in a matter of days. This has the potential to create some negative financial consequences. We challenge you to choose to grow your finances over convenience. Too often, we rationalize that the convenience is worth paying a higher dollar amount, however, that is not always the case.

Stock Up On Essentials

Your house is likely always in need of toilet paper, dish soap, laundry detergent and perhaps a few other items. You know these are items that your household needs to function, so why is it that so many of us wait until we are completely out to buy more? If you keep an eye out for sales, you can stock up on these items and not be at the mercy of whatever the prices are when you need to purchase the items again. 

Be a Problem Solver

While some household fixes are too serious to try on your own, the next time something breaks, try to fix it yourself after doing your research. You’d be surprised at how much this can save you. 

You can be on your way to better habits by taking even one of these steps into your life. We’d be happy to help you set up an online banking account, so you can have even more control of your spending habits.