Tag Archives: kids

5 Things to Teach Your Kids About Money


1. The Importance of Saving 

The easiest way to encourage your kids to save money is by getting them a piggy bank. Go to the store and let them pick out a piggy bank they love, and they’ll soon find that keeping their money is enjoyable. Encouraging them to put their earnings in their piggy bank will teach them the importance of saving money early on. 

2. How to Make Money 

Implementing chores as a regular thing is a great way to teach them about earning their money. Start simple and give them a small allowance when they help out with some household tasks. Giving your kids an allowance without having them work for it is giving them the wrong idea about money. Chores are a perfect way to get your housework done quicker, and you’re teaching your kids a valuable lesson while you’re at it! 

3. The Danger of Impulse Buying 

Kids tend to be very impulsive and often have a hard time thinking through their decisions before making them. Teach them about the danger of impulse buying by not giving them everything they ask for right away. For example, if they see a toy in the store that they’re interested in and immediately ask for, don’t give in. Start saying “no” and explaining why it’s not a smart purchase. Kids learn by observing, so make sure you’re controlling your own impulse buying so they are observing good spending habits. 

4. How to Budget 

If your middle school or high school child has a part-time job, odds are they don’t have a whole lot to provide for quite yet. Teach them the importance of budgeting while they’re still living under your roof so when they move out, they’ll already know how. There are lots of helpful budgeting apps or plans online to get them started on.  

5. Giving Back 

Giving back is an important part of being an active community member, and also teaches kids other great qualities like being selfless and considerate. Let them choose a charity, organization or church they are interested in and teach them the importance of giving. 

If we all do our part to teach our children about money, we’ll be bettering the next generation. Open a savings account for your child with us! 

4 Games That Will Help Your Kids Learn About Savings


Teaching your kids about saving money can be quite the undertaking. Luckily, there are games and fun ways to help your children engage with this learning process. Check out these 4 games that will help your kids learn more about saving.

1. Monopoly

Not only is Monopoly a fun family game, but it’s also a great game to teach kids about money. The game can get lengthy, but it teaches some valuable lessons. Not only do you learn how to save your money, but you also learn about making good purchasing decisions and investing. There are other fun versions of Monopoly that can cater to your child’s interests, such as Star Wars Monopoly, Pokémon Monopoly, Disney Monopoly and many more.

2. Online Games

There are countless online games made for the purpose of teaching kids about money. Simply search “money games for kids” in a Google search and you’ll find a bunch of options. You can find a game that fits your child’s age, interests and the topic that you want to teach them. Two examples of popular online money games include Change Maker, where the user practices counting money, and Financial Football for those big sports fans.

3. The Game of Life

Another very popular and common board game is The Game of Life. Players go through important stages of life, deciding things like if they want to go to college, what career path to take, when to buy a home and much more. Along with these decisions, players start with a certain amount of paper money and make purchasing decisions that affect the outcome of their role in the game. 

4. Pretend Bank

Sometimes the simplest at-home games are the most fun for kids. Try creating fake money by cutting up paper or using money from board games you already have at home. Your kids can pretend to be the banker or the customer, either having to count and collect money or make decisions on how to spend it. There are lots of additions that can be made to this simple game, like making a fake grocery store of play food or a fake toy store. With these, kids are able to decide how much to buy, how often to buy it and decide if they really need it or not.

There are limitless options when it comes to games involving money. Teaching your kids these money saving skills while they’re young prepares them for the lifelong money choices they’ll make in the future! Open a savings account for your child when you feel they are ready for real money decisions.

What Sports Can Teach Your Kids About Finances

As a parent, you want to do your best to give your children a great childhood and prepare them to be successful, contributing members of society. One of the ways that many parents are doing this is by encouraging youth sports. They realize that there are great lessons learned from athletics like how to be a part of a team and physical health. It’s also a good way to get kids away from the screens! By the same token, you may not realize that sports, particularly pay to play, have additional benefits of teaching your children about money, if handled correctly.

Spending on youth sports has grown incredibly high. So high in fact that it has prevented many kids from being able to participate at all. It’s estimated that spending has grown up to 10.5 percent of gross income.  While we certainly don’t recommend you sacrifice your retirement for your children to play, developing a spending plan within your budget, and including your children in the process will help them to understand that this does come at a cost. Yet, spending too much may have the reverse effect, putting extreme pressure on youth to perform worthy of the costs. It’s important to set boundaries, and stick to one or two sports. The more you involve kids in your finances, the more comfortable they will be with money in their adult life.


Most schools don’t teach financial literacy to minors, and even if they do, the national average of financial literacy is still at 59.6 percent. Instead of throwing money at the costs, have your children earn the money for participation or athletic gear. They could complete additional chores around the house, mow neighborhood lawns, or even help with training others younger than them. At any age, this is setting them up for the simple realization that things cost money, a concept muffled for many younger children.


Encourage your children to save at least 15 percent of what they earn for next season, or incidentals. No matter what they are working for, it is incredibly important to teach them the habit of saving a portion of their earnings. This provides opportunities for them to understand spending on what you want now vs. what you may need in the future.


Whether in time or their finances, helping your child understand that not every youth has the means to participate in pay to play sports, will be relatable to them in various ways later in life. If they would like to give a small percentage towards helping others pay for gear or participation it would be a relatable opportunity for them to understand how much meaning there is in giving. They could even give of their time to help mentor others refine their skills.

In whatever way you want to teach your children about finances, getting the conversation started is the most important step for them being comfortable and competent with money!