Category: Savings

Find Out How to Pay Off Your Debt While Still in School


Just because your student loan payments don’t start until after you graduate, the sooner you start making payments, the better. Paying for the college student life is tricky enough, so paying off debt at the same time might seem impossible, but it’s doable with a few lifestyle adjustments. Continue reading to find out the best

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5 Steps Towards Tackling Your Student Loans


Whether you’re a current college student or have graduated and are ready to get rid of your debt, there’s no better time than now to start paying off your loans. It’s not an easy job, but the feeling and relief of being debt-free is unlike any other. Keep reading to learn the five steps to take towards getting rid of your student loans.  1. Pay more than the minimum  No matter how small the amount of added

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How to Start Building Your Emergency Fund


Not only does having an emergency fund give you peace of mind, but it can help you avoid the stress of being in debt. The best time to start building your emergency fund is now! If you’ve heard all about the importance of having this fund but aren’t sure how to get started, keep reading.  Set a Goal  The first step to building your emergency fund is figuring

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7 Daily Habits That Will Save You Money


Saving money doesn’t have to be complicated – there are habits to incorporate into your daily routine that will save you money in the long run. These tips are simple and easy to start but also very effective. It’s time to take control of your finances and make some healthy changes!  1. Pay with cash  Using a credit card for everyday purchases can be tempting and often lead to impulse

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Retirement: What You Should Know


While retirement might sound lifetimes away, it sneaks up faster than you think. Many people wonder when to start saving for retirement, how to start, how much money they’ll need and more. We’ll answer those common retirement questions in this blog, so keep reading to find out more.  When to Start  The time is now! If you are earning paychecks, start saving for retirement as soon as you can. The sooner the better,

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Financial Tips Your Kids Should Know Before College


Whether you’ve had children head off to college in the past or this is your first child to do so, these financial tips are a great refresher for everyone. College students are known to live off of very little money, but there are ways to change that. Going into college with a financial plan will help your child avoid worrying about money while in school and can lower the amount of debt he or she might have in the future.   Talk

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How Can My Teenager Start Saving for the Future?


High school years are often tricky when it comes to money. Your teenager might have a part-time job, but how can they start using that money wisely and investing in their future? Keep reading to find out how you can guide your child towards smart financial decisions.   Open a savings account and don’t touch it! 

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Finance Tips for Newlyweds


Whether you’re getting married in the coming years or just recently said “I Do,” this exciting time of your life comes with things to think about and discuss. How you manage money will change and be adjusted once you get married, so planning it out beforehand is a must. Here are some tips for you and your partner to

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Homeowner Costs People Forget About


Are you thinking about taking the big step of becoming a homeowner? Purchasing your first house is a significant and exciting change, but it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about certain costs. If you want to make sure you have all of your financial bases covered before owning a house, keep reading!  Lawn Upkeep  The cost

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5 Things to Teach Your Kids About Money


1. The Importance of Saving  The easiest way to encourage your kids to save money is by getting them a piggy bank. Go to the store and let them pick out a piggy bank they love, and they’ll soon find that keeping their money is enjoyable. Encouraging them to put their earnings in their piggy bank will teach

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