Author Archives: Heartland Banks Blogger

Online Safety: Family Edition


Today, having both Internet access and safety seems nearly impossible. While technology can be enriching and educational, it has its downsides. How can you protect your family from the dangers of the Internet while also allowing them access? Keep reading for some of our online safety tips for families.

Be Careful What Information You’re Sharing

Many hackers and identity thieves feed off oversharing. Be careful which websites you’re entering personal information into – don’t trust just any website. Oversharing is also dangerous on social networks, so be sure to make your kids aware of the information that shouldn’t ever be shared, like driver’s licenses, usernames or passwords, addresses, social security numbers, etc.

Be Careful Using Public Wi-Fi

Connecting to a public Wi-Fi network can seem harmless and convenient, but that’s not always true. Using public Wi-Fi in places like restaurants and malls is an easy way for hackers and cybercriminals to hack your information. Remember to use a VPN when you connect to a public Wi-Fi network.

Keep an Eye on Your Social Media Networks

Random messages from unknown users have become more common. Although it seems obvious to ignore spam messages, delete them and move on, kids might not know to do that. Teach your kids to never respond to an unknown person’s message online, and emphasize how dangerous it is to respond to strangers. The smartest move is to get your kids into the habit of coming to you when they receive a strange message so you can double check the user’s profile.

Educate Your Children

Most of the time, the reason kids fall into the trap of hackers is because they’re uneducated. Give your kids a mini lesson about what cybersecurity is, why it’s so important and how they can protect themselves. Remind them that if anything seems unusual, they should talk to you so you can make sure the situation is safe.

Manage Your Passwords

Most Internet users have the same couple of passwords for all of their accounts, making the hacking process even easier. There are safe password management systems allowing you to use a different password for all of your accounts, while only having to remember one password for the system. 

Backup Your Data

Cybercriminals that hack into your computer can lock you out of your own important files and information. Keep your files backed up regularly so in that situation, you know your files aren’t lost.

Although there are many ways your cybersecurity can be compromised, there are multiple ways to protect yourself and your family. We hope you protect your information with these top tips!

4 Games That Will Help Your Kids Learn About Savings


Teaching your kids about saving money can be quite the undertaking. Luckily, there are games and fun ways to help your children engage with this learning process. Check out these 4 games that will help your kids learn more about saving.

1. Monopoly

Not only is Monopoly a fun family game, but it’s also a great game to teach kids about money. The game can get lengthy, but it teaches some valuable lessons. Not only do you learn how to save your money, but you also learn about making good purchasing decisions and investing. There are other fun versions of Monopoly that can cater to your child’s interests, such as Star Wars Monopoly, Pokémon Monopoly, Disney Monopoly and many more.

2. Online Games

There are countless online games made for the purpose of teaching kids about money. Simply search “money games for kids” in a Google search and you’ll find a bunch of options. You can find a game that fits your child’s age, interests and the topic that you want to teach them. Two examples of popular online money games include Change Maker, where the user practices counting money, and Financial Football for those big sports fans.

3. The Game of Life

Another very popular and common board game is The Game of Life. Players go through important stages of life, deciding things like if they want to go to college, what career path to take, when to buy a home and much more. Along with these decisions, players start with a certain amount of paper money and make purchasing decisions that affect the outcome of their role in the game. 

4. Pretend Bank

Sometimes the simplest at-home games are the most fun for kids. Try creating fake money by cutting up paper or using money from board games you already have at home. Your kids can pretend to be the banker or the customer, either having to count and collect money or make decisions on how to spend it. There are lots of additions that can be made to this simple game, like making a fake grocery store of play food or a fake toy store. With these, kids are able to decide how much to buy, how often to buy it and decide if they really need it or not.

There are limitless options when it comes to games involving money. Teaching your kids these money saving skills while they’re young prepares them for the lifelong money choices they’ll make in the future! Open a savings account for your child when you feel they are ready for real money decisions.

6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Finances


Spring cleaning doesn’t just have to be about your house – sometimes your finances need a good dusting, too! We’ve put together some great and simple ways to clean up your finances and start fresh with your spending habits!

1. Clear Out the Paperwork

Paperwork from your finances can pile up quickly. Now’s a great time to file through those old papers, make digital copies in a safe place and put them in the shredder. Not only will this declutter your office space, but it will help declutter your mind.

2. Take a Look at That Credit Report

We understand that checking your credit report probably isn’t high on the list of your priorities. With a new season underway, take a minute to sit down and look it over. It’s important to make sure there aren’t any mistakes, so your credit score isn’t taking a hit. 

3. Bring the Budget Back

Maybe you started budgeting but lost hold of it over the holidays when things got busy. No worries! There’s no better time than now to get back on track and start following a budget again. If you’re still following a budget, now is a great opportunity to dust off the papers and make some changes!

4. Throw Out Old Accounts

You might have some unnecessary things, like unused credit card accounts or an old 401(k) form, to get rid of this spring season. Carefully filter through the accounts you have and throw out the ones you no longer need.

5. Clear Some Space For a Financial Advisor

Talking with a financial advisor is a great way to set you on a path for financial success. This is a great way to hold yourself accountable for your spending.

6. Get Your Savings On Track

Automating your savings account is a great way to stay on track financially. After figuring out your budget, spend some time thinking about some of your saving goals. What are some short-term things you could save for? How about long-term investments?

Utilizing these financial spring-cleaning tips is a mood booster and stress reducer all in one. Give them a try this spring season, and open a savings account to store your cash!

Farm Loan FAQs


Have you ever considered a farm loan, but weren’t sure what it involved? Good news – we’ve got the answers! Keep reading to learn more. 

  • What is a farm loan used for?

A farm loan is for farmers or ranchers who want to purchase, sustain or expand your family farm but aren’t able to get credit elsewhere in order to do so. Some of the possibilities include purchasing livestock, equipment, feed, land or more buildings. 

  • What’s the difference between a direct loan and a guaranteed loan?

Direct loans use government money and are serviced by FSA. Credit counseling and supervision are also provided by FSA to help applicants with evaluation. On the other hand, guaranteed loans are serviced by commercial lenders, like banks. FSA guarantees up to 95% of the lender’s loan against loss.

  • What are the different types of loans?

There are many different types of loans that you need to decide between before applying. These include farm ownership loans, operating loans, emergency loans and conservation loans. For more information on what each of these loans includes and which loan you should apply for, contact Heartland Bank.

  • What’s a business plan, and what does it include?

A detailed business plan is submitted when applying to get an FSA loan. This plan shows your goals and plans for the future, and that you’ve put serious thought into them. Some things your business plan would describe includes your vision for your farm/ranch, your assets, your marketing plan and the planning of your expenses.

  • What happens after my application is submitted?

Your application will be reviewed and soon after you’ll be informed of any information you missed and need to include. Once all documents are received and reviewed, FSA will then notify the lender within 5 days. 

There’s a lot that goes into applying for a farm loan, but we’re here to answer any questions you may have. Contact your local Heartland Bank lender to get started today!

Renovate Your Home Without Breaking the Budget


Are you ready to mix things up in the design of your home, but not ready to burn through your precious money to do so? We know some tips and tricks that will allow you to revamp the look of your home without going overboard on price. Keep reading to find out how!

Improve the Lighting

The lights in a room can drastically affect a room’s tone. Swapping out those harsh, flickering lights for softer, warmer lights will give your room a more comforting feel. Another lighting trick is to hang mirrors in rooms that need to be brightened up. Mirrors make a room look bigger and increase the light throughout the room.

Removable Wallpaper

Although wallpaper might’ve had a bad reputation in the past, the new, improved and modern versions of removable wallpaper make changing your space affordable and simple. The best part is that it goes on easily and comes off with no damage to the walls, allowing you to change up a room at the snap of your fingers.

New Cabinet Handles or Faucets

Updating the handles on your cabinets or the faucet of your sink can make a world of a difference. New and modern handles have the ability to completely change the look of your kitchen or bathroom, and they aren’t a big investment. Replacing your old kitchen faucet with a sleek, contemporary one can give your kitchen a whole new look.

Rearrange, Don’t Repurchase

You don’t have to buy all new furniture in order to make your living space more attractive. Search the Internet for furniture setups that fit your room, and try rearranging your furniture to match. Sometimes something as simple as changing an item’s location could improve the look of a room.

Paint the Front Door

Upgrade the outside of your home by putting some primer and a few coats of exterior paint on your front door. You could choose a bold color that would catch a passerby’s eye, like red, or go for a modern look like black. It’s also a simple fix to add a door knocker or update the handle. Research suggests that updating your front door can increase a home’s value as much as $8,000!

We hope these money-saving renovation tips will allow you to give your house an upgrade without burning through your wallet. More questions about renovation on a budget? Give us a call and we’d be happy to help.

Why You Should Bank Local


You’ve heard big banks advertise their services all over the world, but most consumers don’t realize all of the benefits that come with banking local. When it comes to customer service, banking fees and ethical choices, banking local is the smart choice, and we’ll tell you why.

Great Customer Service

Local bank employees have the chance to form deeper relationships with the people they serve due to the size of the community.

Tailored Programs

Community banks have the ability to create unique and personal programs for their customers based on their needs. Big banks suggest they have more choices and services, but most local banks offer those exact services, too.

Ethical Standards

Because of the direct effect the employees’ behavior has on the community, local banks hold their employees to a very high standard. Local banks understand the policies of where they work, and they also invest in other small, local businesses.

Lower Fees

Fees, like the ones at ATMs, are becoming more common among megabanks and the prices are rising as time goes on. Research shows that local banks offer more free accounts to their customers as well as charge fewer fees compared to big banks.


Due to the size of megabanks, you find yourself with a question or concern but end up waiting on hold for hours. Local banks are dedicated to providing their customers with convenience and satisfaction.

Involvement in the Community

When it comes to giving back and charity involvement, local banks are there. Customers feel a sense of satisfaction knowing the business they support gives back and cares about others. Community banks love supporting charity events like races or fundraisers.

These often-unknown benefits of banking local are important for consumers to hear about. Community banks want what’s best for YOU. Contact Heartland Bank with any questions, and take a step in the right direction by banking local today!

Cybersecurity Check: How Secure Are Your Actions?


It’s 2020 and more than time to be certain your cybersecurity practices are up to date. Cybercriminals become more advanced and attuned to the different ways to penetrate vulnerabilities of those who aren’t up to date on security. These are the top actions you need to take. Can you say yes to any of these?

Are you cautious with the applications on your phone?

Sometimes, there’s a false sense of security when it comes to phone applications. Apps are used for about everything these days and too often users think they are safer than they are. You may have noticed that pop ups can still occur on these applications and can pose a security risk to you and the information held on your device. You may even click on the ad accidently while it takes you to a suspicious website. 

Is your software up to date?

Yes, we realize that having to update your phone or computer can be a nuisance. It can be frustrating at times because it may change the layout of certain features on your phone. Yet, we would still recommend updating due to the protection it provides. It will help to patch vulnerabilities and fortify your wall of protection. 

Are you aware of phishing scams?

How attuned are you to phishing scams? Phishing is when the cybercriminal acts like someone else in order to trick the victims. Be sure to: never open an email from someone you don’t know, click on unfamiliar links and always be suspicious when it comes to emails – even from friends that may send harmful links unknowingly. 

Are your passwords updated periodically?

It’s frustrating to have to remember many different passwords and to constantly be updating them. But it is still less of a headache than it would be if you had your identity stolen or your data held for ransom. Never use the same password twice and update each password at least once a year. 

Is your PII Personal?

PII stands for personal identification information. This includes your address, birthdate, birthplace and middle name. These are often listed on many people’s social media pages. Sometimes all it takes to have your identity stolen is your full name and birthdate. Be sure to remove this from your pages and to keep it private. 

For more tips on how to stay ahead of the cybersecurity curve, contact us today!

Make Your 2020 Savings Goals A Reality


The new year is full of hope and imagination for the future. It can be challenging for anyone to stick with these goals, especially financial ones. We’re happy to tell you that there is a way to make these goals a reality by sticking to these wise practices.

Be Realistic

In order to make your goals a reality, you should set realistic goals. While a beach house in Maui would definitely be an attractive prospect to most people, it’s not in the cards for everyone. Maybe something like this will be there for you someday, but first you want to master the baby steps. Think about goals within the next 1-5 years that you can see happening and are motivating.

Prioritize Goals

Not all of your goals are likely to be reached in 2020. Prioritize the goals in the order that you think they can be accomplished first and that are also the most important to you. 

Identify Roadblocks

Plan ahead for the things you think might go wrong or steer you off course. Is one of your savings goals to cut down on splurging but you find yourself repeatedly swinging through drive thrus and shopping online just because you have a free shipping subscription? Decide on alternatives to keep you from continuing with these habits. If there are events or emotional triggers that compel you to spend money, figure out another way to get relief. Go for a run, read a book or invite a friend over for a movie night. 

Organize Accounts

Get familiar with the banking accounts available to you. Learn about how to use them to fit your lifestyle. Maybe you want each paycheck to have a percentage go straight to checking. Get this set up! Have you downloaded our mobile app yet? If not, consider doing so. It’s a great way to easily keep an eye on your everyday spending as well as check in on your growing savings account. 

Celebrate Progress

Goals aren’t achieved overnight. You’ll be working hard to achieve your goals and you might experience some burnout. To keep this from happening, celebrate the strides you are making towards reaching your goals by having a visual that can remind you of your “why” and modestly celebrate each achievement in a way that’s fun for your household. If you have kids, get them in on the fun and teach them why following through on commitments is important and why celebrating mile markers is also important!

For more ways to follow through on your savings goals, reach out to us today!

The Simple 7: Energy Saving Tips for Winter’s End


Don’t let the end of winter freeze your bank account! Lower temperatures often mean higher bills, but with some simple moves you can keep a cool head about your finances.

1. Open Your Home to Sunshine

The winter is often a little more gray and dreary. Take advantage of every sunny day you can. Open up the curtains and let the natural light warm your home. Take a moment to bask in the warmth of the sun and get a good dose of vitamin D while you’re at it. 

2. Switch the Blades

A trick that many may not know is that the blades on your ceiling fan are designed to be used differently depending on the season. The secret is in the rotation. Because hot air rises, you should have the blades moving clockwise to help push warm air back down to the living space.

3. Wise Up the Thermostat

Have you considered the investment in a smart thermostat? While you may not love the idea of spending more money this winter, a smart thermostat can help you save money in the long run. You can set it to auto adjust the temperatures to be lower. It saves households an average of 12 percent. 

4. Shorten Showers

It’s hard not to love a long, warm shower. The costs of water are often one of the highest parts of your utility bill. Cutting your shower time even by half can reduce your bill by almost 33 percent. 

5. Invest in a Space Heater

Pick your favorite room in the house or where you spend most of your time and put a space heater in that area. This can cozy up the room really fast while allowing the rest of your home to stay at cooler and less expensive temperatures. You should always turn this off at night, as it can be a fire hazard. Follow the directions and heed the warnings on the manufacturing label.

6. Get Cozy

Put on your socks and grab your favorite sweatshirt. It’s winter, so make sure you dress for the temperature outside. Putting on an extra layer is an easy way to keep you from wanting to crank up that heat. It’s the season of hot chocolate and tea, so serve some up while you snuggle in for a warm night. 

7. Search for Leaks

Reassess your home and investigate areas for potential leaks. They are most often around windows, gaps around chimneys, plumbing penetrations and doors. You can seal them cheaply with caulk or weather-stripping material found at a local hardware store.

For more tips on how to trim your budget the rest of winter, reach out to us at Heartland Bank. 

How To Save On Your Taxes


Are you kicking yourself for how you handled last year’s taxes? You can feel better about next year by learning a little bit about tax savings now. 

Consider Donations

Not only is donating to charity a great way to give back to the community, but it is also a smart way to have a tax write-off. It needs to be a charity that is recognized by the IRS in order to do this. This will require some organization on your part over the course of a year. You will be required to have written records. It should say the date of the contribution, the amount you gave and to who. If the amount is over $250 and you don’t have a receipt, the IRS may reject it. 

Increase Contributions to Your Retirement

If you contribute to a 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account, you can reduce your income tax. You would need to increase the amount that is withheld from your paycheck automatically.

Start Saving for Your Child’s College Tuition

It’s never too early to start saving for your child’s education. A 529 is a college savings plan similar to an IRA except it’s for college. The contributions grow tax-free, and withdrawals are not taxed for a college education. You can either use this for your children or for yourself to take a fun college course in retirement. 

Review Tax Credits for Children

Having children is incredibly expensive. Double-check that you’re getting all of the tax credits you qualify for. You can itemize medical and dental expenses. As we all know, these costs don’t come cheap. Whatever you are paying out of pocket for these costs may be itemized along with the child tax credit

Begin a Health Savings Account

To help decrease some of the common stress of medical bills, consider starting a health savings account. Contributions made to an HSA are pre-tax dollars that can be applied to medical expenses. If you contribute the maximum amount, you can potentially save thousands on your taxes this year. 

It is possible to pay less in taxes next year, you just need to put the work into finding some ways that you qualify for exemptions. For more ways to save, contact us at Heartland Bank.