Category: Retirement

Retirement: What You Should Know


While retirement might sound lifetimes away, it sneaks up faster than you think. Many people wonder when to start saving for retirement, how to start, how much money they’ll need and more. We’ll answer those common retirement questions in this blog, so keep reading to find out more.  When to Start  The time is now! If you are earning paychecks, start saving for retirement as soon as you can. The sooner the better,

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How to Meet Your Retirement Saving Goals


No matter your age, every day you work is a step closer to retirement. When you think of driving off into the golden years, where are you headed? You likely have a picture in mind whether it be having a house in your dream location or an RV to explore the National Parks. Whatever that

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Best Retirement Strategies for Your 20s


If you’re in your twenties and thinking about retirement, you are light-years away from your peers who wait until it’s too late. You’ll be so glad you started to take serious steps towards your golden years with these straightforward strategies. 1. Negotiate More Your first job isn’t typically known to be a real money maker.

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Retirement Savings Made Easy


When you are in the early stage of your career, there’s usually lots of bills that add up. Things such as rent, student loans or car insurance can truly wipe out your bank account. We want to make sure you avoid excess financial stress, which is why we’re offering four simple strategies on how to

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How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?


Asking yourself how much money you need in order to enjoy a comfortable retirement is difficult. Although it may be a challenge to figure out how much money you’ll need, a true monetary amount is different for everyone. It depends on factors such as where you’ll live, how healthy you are, and what you want

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Deep Cleaning for Retirement


It’s finally time! You’re getting close to taking a new path in life – but do you know where to begin? Retirement is an ideal time to declutter, as you may be downsizing or moving locations. Heartland Bank offers a few ways you can deep clean for retirement, so you aren’t left with a mess!

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Protecting Older Americans Against the Top Scam: IRS Impersonations


No age group is immune to scams. It can happen to any age group, income level and gender. Scammers are no respecter to persons when it comes to getting your money. However, seniors should be protective of their finances, as they are more likely to have significant life savings and great credit. They also may

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How to Save $1,000,000 for Retirement

Retirement, 401(k), stocks and bonds, the subject matter of saving for the long term isn’t often as appealing as saving for the short term. Perhaps that’s why nearly three-quarters of Americans are underestimating how much they’ll need for retirement. The United States is on the brink, if not already in, a retirement crisis. However, at

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How to Save for Retirement at Every Age

How much do you need to retire? Will you continue working after age 65? Do you want to travel during your retirement? These are just a handful of questions that are important for retirement preparation. Unlike saving for a home or new vehicle, saving for retirement requires long-term commitment and goal oriented benchmarks. At Heartland

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