Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Little Things are the Big Things: 11 Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

There are so many small and valuable things we can do to impact the life of another. While some of them are financially bound, others can be simple tasks, such as opening the door for someone. This year challenge yourself to more acts of kindness, random or not.

  1. Pay for the person’s food or beverage behind you in line.
  2. Write a letter to a soldier.
  3. Donate new and used toys to daycares or children’s hospitals.
  4. Cook a meal for a family who may be without.
  5. Give a good server the largest tip you can afford.
  6. Scoop snow or do other yard work for your neighbor.
  7. Pick up trash at an area park.
  8. Offer assistance to a charitable organization with your time and skills.
  9. Bake treats for your area school’s teachers.
  10. Visit a nursing home and spend time with the residents.
  11. Next hunting season donate your deer to the Iowa HUSH program to help feed Iowa citizens in need.

In addition to being kinder in 2016 you may find yourself becoming happier as well! With so many opportunities to make a difference, this list will help you get started! Add your own acts of kindness and see what you can do to better the lives of others this year.

If you’d like to contribute to others in a financial avenue let us know, we’d love to help! Heartland Bank can assist you in remaining anonymous in donations, arrange monthly transfers, dispense cash for personal giving, and more!

How-To Save $5000 This Year: Our 52-Week Challenge

52 Week Challenge

Whether it’s a house, a new vehicle, or other lending options, having a down payment is always a great first step.  In this 52-week challenge you will begin saving a little at a time to accumulate $5000 this year! Here’s how it works, every week you deposit a different amount into your savings account. As the weeks go on you begin to build a steady base little by little. At the end of the year you will have saved $5000 if done correctly. You can also add to the numbers shown below if you’d like to save more than $5000. Simply take the additional amount you would like to save, and divide it by 52. Now add that number to each of the deposit amounts for the year and you have your game plan.

52 Week Challenge

$5000 is a substantial sum of money that offers endless potential, so here are some ideas to get you started!

Vacation: Take a break and enjoy an exciting new destination with your family! Cruises start at less than $700/person, and a week in Florida typically runs $4000+ for a family of four.

New Vehicle: You can either purchase a used vehicle with the $5000 (or less), or you can use the $5000 to put a down payments on a more expensive vehicle you’ve had your eye on.

Down Payment on a Home: For first time home buyers using FHA loans, a down payment as little as 3.5% may be accepted. With lower closing costs, easier credit qualifications, and gifts allowed towards the home down payment, this $5000 potentially enables you to purchase a $140,000 home.

Wedding: A little creativity may be involved but the celebration can go on! With the largest event expenses being the venue, food, and photographer, finding inventive shortcuts can turn $5000 into the wedding of your dreams!


Securing Your Identity with Heartland Bank

Online Security

Capture fraudulent activity as soon as it happens with Heartland Bank’s secure Identity Theft Monitoring System. Powered by IDT911, this incredible systems helps users prevent data breaches, and safeguards their information. Learn the top 5 ways to improve your online information with these easy tips courtesy of Heartland Bank.

  1. Be Careful What You Post

When posting onto various social media accounts, be sure you’re not sharing too much! Many criminals can glean personal knowledge like your phone number, address, or children’s names, simply from viewing your public account.

  1. Beef Up Those Passwords

Be sure to maximize the security behind you online accounts with a heavy duty password. The more symbols, capitalizations, and random conjecture put together the better. A simple option to remember is to use symbols instead of letters when possible, so the work “password,” might become p@$$w0rD.

  1. Watch Out for Phishing Scams

If it seems too good to be true it most likely is! Many phishing scams these days however tend to attempt to duplicate a vendor you already know and use. If a familiar company sends you an email asking for immediate action, or confidential information, always check your personal communication and reach out to a company representative using contact information outside of the questionable email. This way you can confirm if the email is authentic without giving them access to any materials they are requesting.

  1. Double Check for Encryption

Before making any transactions online search for the site’s security certification or badge. Be sure that if you’re inputting any financial or credit card information that it remains secure. If no visible security is available on the website it may be best to find a different vendor.

  1. Educate Your Kiddos

Now that you know the ins and outs of online safety, make certain your children are up to the challenge as well! Have a talk with them to go over the right and wrong ways to use the internet, in addition to the areas online to stay away from.

Make sure your online safety is up to par with Heartland Bank’s Identity Theft Monitoring System! Get started to day by calling us at (515) 352-3181.